Hier al in dit aardrijk zijt Gij gezien nooit meer.
(2) Christe Kyrieleison, laat ons zingen blij,
Daarmeed' ook onze leisen beginnen vrij.
Jezus is geboren op de heilige kerstnacht,
Van een Maged reine, die hoog moet zijn geacht.
(3) D'herders op den velde hoorden een nieuw lied,
dat Jezus was geboren, zij wisten 't niet.
"Gaat aan geender straten en gij zult Hem vinden klaar;
Bethl'em is de stede, waar 't is geschied voorwaar."
(4) D'heilige drie Koon'gen uit zo verre land,
zij zochten onze Here met offerhand.
Z'offerden ootmoedelijk myr', wierook ende goud
t'ere van den Kinde, dat alle ding behoudt.
play/stop MIDI
My thanks and appreciation to my parents Marcel and Mia Cuypers
for sending me this book.
Posted on YouTube:
NorthPoleChristmas|August 08, 2009 ♫ Santa dedicates this to the many different cultural traditions of
Christmas. He wishes you all a Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas and asks you to
please visit Chrismayka
http://www.youtube.com/user/chrismayka They have a wonderful site and
provided the song and translation for Elf Lollipop Leroux to create this
Santa wijdt dit aan de vele verschillende culturele tradities van Kerstmis.
Hij wenst u allen een Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas en vraagt u om u naar
Ze hebben een prachtige site en op voorwaarde dat de zang en vertaling voor
Elf Lollipop Leroux om deze video.
Nu Zijt Wellekome ~ Created by Elf Lollipop Leroux
of North Pole Christmas.
Traditions Of The Country:
To the Dutch, St. Nicholas' Day is the time for the greatest revelry of the
Christmas season. Sinterklaas arrives from Spain on the last Saturday of
November aboard a steamer named Pakjesboot 12. His grand arrival and
subsequent celebration are broadcasted live on national television in the
Netherlands and Belgium. He has a long red cape, wears a white bishop's
dress and red bishop's hat, and holds a crosier, which is a long gold
colored staff with a fancy curled top. He carries a big book that tells
whether each child has been good or naughty in the past year.
Because Sinterklaas is so old he needs help which comes in the form of
Zwarte Piet, also known as Black Pete. His black skin refers to his job as a
chimney sweep and legend has it that naughty children were put in to his bag
and taken back to Spain. However today you will find no children in this
bag, it only contains candy for nice children and a chimneysweep's broom or
roe, which is a bunch of willow branches used to spank the naughty children.
Come December 5th Dutch children eagerly await the arrival of Sinterklaas.
Before going to bed they put their shoes next to the fireplace or central
heating unit along with a carrot or some hay and a bowl of water for
Sinterklaas horse, Amerigo. Upon his arrival, he leaves small gifts and
treats, accompanied by a Sinterklaas poem, for them to enjoy.
Christmas decorations in the Netherlands include rustic Christmas décor such
as pine and holly boughs, simple lights, and candles. Candy wreaths often
decorate trees and small treats may be given with gifts. Stollen Christmas
Cakes are like our fruit cake. They are a pastry which can contain a variety
of ingredients such as dried fruits, raisins and currants, lemon and orange
zest, chopped walnuts, almonds, or hazelnuts and different spices such as
cardamom and cinnamon.
December 25 is still a holiday in the Netherlands, but because the chief
occasion for gift-giving is Sinterklaas Avond this latter part of the
holiday season is generally more spiritual. It involves church services,
concerts, and recitals showcasing religious material. This day is a time for
family gatherings and delicious meals, including special breakfasts and
formal dinners.
You are welcome Jesu, my dear Lord,
You come from very high abd far away.
You are welcome from high up above.
Here on earthly kingdom Thou weren't seen again.
Christe Kyrieleison, let us sing in joy,
With which our songs'll be starting free.
Jesus is born in the Holy Christmas Night,
Of a Virgin pure, in high standings.
The shepherds in the field heard a new song,
They didn't know Jesus was born.
Go in to further streets, and you will find him there;
Bethl'em is the town, were it all happened"
Three holy kings from far a land,
Searched our Lord with their sacrifice.
They gave myrrh, incense and gold
In the honour of the Child, that enholds.
COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION: The works of Remi Ghesquiere are
still under copyright protection in countries with life+50 years (2015) or
life+70 years (2035) copyright protection. Even though you may be able to
download some scores for free on this website, it remains your personal
responsibility to comply with copyright laws in your country and register
these scores with the proper copyright collection agency before using them
for public performances.
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